Meeting report Friday 10th September

We welcomed a newcomer David who like Julian recently did his exams back-to-back through to the full licence.

It was announced that at a committee meeting last week we decided that for the forseable future there will be an online meeting normally on the second Friday of the month followed by a pub meeting 12 days later. Once we have a good number attending meetings we’ll start to organise visiting speakers again at a venue yet to be decided, and we’d like members to offer to present something or lead a discussion for 15-30 minutes of the online meetings. We’re also hoping to organise a field day before the weather turns so if you have any suggestions for somewhere outdoors, ideally with some height but at least a reasonable takeoff and where we wouldn’t attract undue attention from police, park patrols or nutters please put them forward.

We had a brief demonstration of Google Groups so please don’t be afraid to start a ‘conversation’ there. This website was unveiled and was generally well received with comments about needing more visual appeal. Julian explained about ‘inbound marketing’ and that the website is a ‘brochure’ for one way communication while the Google Group is a forum for two-way communication.

David explained his problems getting out with his homebuilt CW transceiver and ideas were discussed.

Don’t forget the next pub meeting at The Pear Tree on Wednesday week 22nd September, and the next month of events is on the calendar at Upcoming Events – m0xhs