Meeting report Wednesday 20th October

A bit quieter than last time as a few people were put off by the rain but we had an in-depth discussion about David2’s aerial possibilities and the best bands to try to work on, and we taught him the microwave test for suitable aerial materials. John K told us more about the old rigs he’d unearthed in his garage.

The AGM which will take place in next months online meeting was discussed but no further candidates for the committee posts came forward.

There was general interest in having a Christmas meal or social even but it was noted that meetings for the end of the year may present a problem since the current schedule would put the December pub meet three days before Christmas when pubs will be packed and many will have conflicting events. We could therefore do it in place of the November pub meet or simply bring it forward resulting in three meetings in a short time and then a long gap to the first meeting in January. But there’s nothing to stop us having the Christmas event around the end of November/early December and perhaps an extra online meeting over the Christmas period. Should we throw it open to guests? Have a think and we’ll discuss at the next online meeting.

[Footnote] I’ve since checked with The Albion, the pub round the corner from the old church where we met, and they’d be delighted to reserve the end of the upstairs bar, and they do decent giant-sized pizzas along with a range of other meals and snacks.